Neighborhood Crime Watch Snail-Mail Flyers
1st flyer mailed 1-19-06 to selected residents* of Bayo Vista, El Sobrante/Richmond View/San Pablo Hills. Slideshow of meeting's highlights.
2nd flyer mailed 2-22-06. Slideshow of meeting's highlights.
The deadline for the April 13th meeting Flyer/Newsletter, is 3-31-06 (it will be mailed on 4-3-06). Want to add something to the next flyer? Post your idea/feedback to the group.
Volunteers for Flyer: Gordon Allen, Yoko Olsgaard, Carie Bowers.
Carie Bowers will distribute some flyers to her street. All else will be bulk mailed, unless other volunteers want to raise their hands.
4-13-06 Meeting Flyer Newsletter is Under Construction...

*Streets & Maps used as of 1-18-06 which are included/excluded in the Neighborhood Watch Program.

3-9-06 Flyer Newsletter...
Notes for the 3-9-06 flyer....
City of San Pablo Officer Jeff Palmieri (510) 215-3275 is in charge of starting Neighborhood Watch Programs
City of Richmond Call 510-620-6643 Ron Berry, after Noon Iron tri substn 236-8433 or 620-6886 watch commander. Will make 30 copies
Contra Costa County Sheriff - Mark Dobbs is having an alternate show up on March 9th.
George Lane, Hazard Abatement Div. 925-941-3520 Fire Prevention - 30 minute hillside safety interior home safety will call me wildfire protection
2-22-06 Printing 340 for 3-9-06 flyer. 150....180...
2-22-05: printing 340 copies. Removed area 2, which is Hillcrest Estates, since no one showed up for that meeting; I can only assume they have their own Crime Watch meeting.
1 flyer was not delivered w/no forwarding address: Hinton A. Box, 5954 Wyman St 94806.
Invited through email these attendees to join the yahoo group.... but they haven't signed up yet!

The February flyer newsletter below was the 1st one sent out on 1-19-06.
Also, I have created another web page for organizing ourselves with what to discuss and plan for:
Thank you!